Dental medicine for the elderly

Dental problems of the elderly include receding gums (periodontitis), loss of teeth, more pronounced discolouration and alike.

Dental needs of patients are unique at different life stages and at different ages. In childhood, the focus of dental care is prevention, smaller repairs and orthodontic treatment. Dental care for teenagers and adolescents includes repairs, occasional treatments and first tooth extractions. In the thirties, dental problems that arose in youth are treated, first implants are placed, and women opt for cosmetic dental treatments – teeth whitening, crowns and veneers. Experts at Imed Clinic explain that in senior years, tooth extractions are more frequent, first signs of periodontitis appear, and more complex prosthetic and implant-prosthetic procedures are performed.

Experts at Imed Clinic claim that periodontitis and aging result in a large number of missing teeth in senior years. In addition to this, the remaining teeth are often in very poor condition, the existing dental prostheses are inadequate because they were not replaced with new ones on time, and unfavourable condition of the alveolar ridge prevents the making of a good quality prosthesis.  The wishes and needs of the elderly patients are not same as of those in their fifties and sixties, explain experts at Imed. Accordingly, dental medicine and dentists, including Imed Clinic, adapt their services to specific needs of senior patients.

Modern dental medicine and senior patients

“Nowadays, modern dental medicine has materials, technology and knowledge required for complete rehabilitation of the most complex cases”, say experts at Imed Clinic. This means that, at Imed Clinic, elderly patients are offered solutions for quality treatment of their dental problems and increased life quality.

The problems usually occur when objective symptoms, wishes and actual possibilities of elderly patients are not taken into account during preparation and planning of their therapy. Elderly patients are treated at Imed Clinic based on the principle of optimized therapy. “This means we devote special efforts, time and care in order to achieve the best possible outcome concerning the condition of oral cavity. The basic criterion is the completeness of the solution, i.e. replacement of all teeth and complete recovery of masticatory function”, say Imed experts. Solutions must be wholesome, better than the existing, and the ratio between the resources used and results obtained must be positive.

Dental implants have brought a revolution in dentistry, and they are used with elderly patients as well. Experts at Imed Clinic say there is no set age limit for getting implants. Rational use of implants ensures better quality prosthetic work for elderly patients, including implant-stabilised prostheses, fixed implant bridges, implant for a missing tooth or group of teeth. All of the above-mentioned represents a solution that improves life quality of elderly patients.

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