Family dentistry

Family dentistry, like general dentistry, provides services related to the maintenance of oral hygiene, tooth health and oral cavity health. Oral health is extremely important for the overall health of the body. The term family dentistry is often interchangeably used with general dentistry.

Imed experts recommend visiting a family dentist at least twice a year for checking of teeth and oral cavity, cleaning of plaque and prevention of tooth decay.  It is important for your dentist to recognize any dental problems and monitor health of your teeth and oral cavity. “The aim of preventive dental check-ups is to detect oral health problems long before the recognizable symptoms appear”, say experts at Imed.

“By visiting a family dentist, even the youngest family members will understand the importance of proper oral hygiene”, advise the experts at Imed Clinic. This way, children will more easily overcome their fear of visiting the dentist and get to know the dentist, dental practice and dental office. What is more, children will get used to regular visits to the family dentist. As part of family dental practice, the following work is performed at Imed Clinic: preventive check-ups, placement of fillings, dental treatments, fissure sealing, as well as paediatric dental treatments.


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