Dina Ivanović, dr.med.dent

Dina Ivanović was born on November 25, 1993 in Osijek. She attended the Matija Petar Katančić Elementary School, the music school of the same name, and the general gymnasium in Valpovo. In the academic year 2014/2015. enrolled at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Zagreb. During her studies, she was a member of the Student Union and the Faculty Council, volunteered at the Zagreb West Health Center, and assisted in private dental practices, one of which was the IMED Clinic.

After graduating from college, she is employed at the Arena Dental Polyclinic, and in 2022 she becomes part of the IMED team as a doctor of dental medicine.

Her areas of interest are minimally invasive dental medicine, teeth whitening, endodontics, and aesthetics and design in restorative procedures, on which she participated in the International Congresses of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Zagreb, and is constantly improving her skills at courses on the aforementioned topics.

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