MSc Ivana Čvrljak-Tomić, DMD

Dental prosthetics specialist

MSc Ivana Čvrljak-Tomić, DMD was born in 1975 in Šibenik. She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, Zagreb in 1999 and was among the 10% best students of her generation. She gained her Masters degree in 2005 from the Department of Prosthodontics.

During her studies she received county scholarship and gained practical knowledge while working in a private dental office. She worked as an intern at the Health Centre Šibenik, and after that she worked at a private dental clinic in Zagreb and Dental Clinic Breyer in Sisak.

She specialized in conferences (Quintessence, Competence in Esthetics), courses and training in the field of endodontics, aesthetics and prosthetics. She is the author of several scientific, professional and publishing articles and is fluent in English.

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